During your safari, there are typically two extended activities each day. For the first activity, you head into the bush in the early morning hours, as this is the best time to observe animals in action. You return to the lodge or camp for lunch followed by a siesta - as this is the hottest time of the day and everyone in the bush settles down. In the afternoon, around 3:30 PM after coffee and tea, the second activity awaits, usually rounded off with the obligatory sundowner (Gin & Tonic) before heading back to the accommodation for a campfire and a delicious three-course meal. Some areas allow night drives, providing the opportunity to observe animals that are active only during the late hours. Your eventful safari day often concludes around a crackling campfire.
Depending on the guide, camp, animal activities, and season, there may be variations in the daily routine. Here's an example, but please note that this is just an example: